Tuesday 5 October 2010

Life Lessons

“The Hills” – Life Lessons

After “The Hills” ended many people wondered if it was indeed a reality-show or just a scripted one meant to entertain. Whatever the answer is, one thing remains true. The things that happen between all those involved in the show, whether real or not, are teaching us some important life lessons. We all witness how a relationship can affect a friendship that was supposed to be stronger.

The Hills-Fashion and Hairstyles: Girls from The Hills

Heidi’s relationship with Spencer seems to be the one that puts a final end to the friendship between Lauren and Heidi. Although not at all desirable, this happens to a lot of people. Although the love between Heidi and Spencer led to marriage, they have had their ups and downs and their relationship was not always happy. However, it was stronger than the friendship between the two girls. Reconciliation was possible at some points, but it never occurred and this seemed like the main reason that determined Lauren to leave the show in the 5th season.

The Hills-Fashion and Hairstyles: Heidi Montag

Although Heidi caught Spencer cheating on her and they have even been separated for a while, they ended up moving together and getting married, while the friendship with Lauren was long lost. Unfortunately, it seems that it was all in vain because their marriage finally ended in an ugly divorce.

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